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Improving the availability of inclusive mental health
services for all residents in Clay, Platte and Ray counties.

Mental health Basics Can Almost Always Help

Although many mental health issues require therapy or medication, there are several basics steps that can benefit almost anyone.

One of the most important is simply getting out and making connections. Social media and phone contacts are great, but face time with other people is unbeatable. This may also get you out of your everyday environment and provide you with one of the most effective means for calm and stress reduction.

And get some exercise! This may be little more than a walk around the block, but physical motion is a proven method of taking your mind of your worries. Getting out in the open air and sunlight helps, too. Longer walks or similar activities can help in ways that are almost unbelievable, improving mental and emotional health, even improving memory and sleep. If you can combine a walk with visiting a park or garden, so much the better.

Inner Peace Is No Joke

If you can’t get out, consider playing some music or enjoying sensory input in another way. Again, the idea is to break up your daily pattern with something pleasant, calming, or relaxing. Save the heavy metal band for another day.

An alternative that combines these two concepts involves a relaxation practice like yoga, meditation, mindfulness, or deep breathing. These are proven techniques for lowering stress levels by using physical messages that in turn calm your mind.

A big obstacle for many can be “finding time” for all of this. But look at it this way, if your mental health is out of sync then other things in your life are going to suffer as well. So make these activities are a priority – set at least a few minutes each day for YOURSELF. The rest of your life will benefit!

Another thing that’s easy to overlook is a brain-healthy” diet. Fatty fish rich in omega-3s, avocados, nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews and peanuts), beans, leafy greens and fresh fruit are good for your mind as well as your body. Sugary and processed foods, not so much!

Rest and Relaxation

Likewise, make sure you get plenty of sleep. Many mental health issues can impact sleep and missing too much sleep can be an issue. Especially when it becomes long lasting or chronic, sleep deprivation and cause symptoms much like a mental illness. Developing good sleep habits is like getting out and other self-care goals: it can help with almost everything, so it needs to be a priority.

The most difficult challenge may be one you rarely consider: making your life seem worthwhile. However, things like volunteering a few hours a week, taking up a hobby you’ve always been interested in or anything that you feel might add a bit to the world around you is potentially valuable.

Even this abbreviated list might seem a little overwhelming at first but note that many of these suggestions are related. Getting out for a walk, volunteering or other activities will put you in contact with others and provide physical action and socializing. More than anything, get started! Pick one of these areas that interests you and go from there. You won’t be sorry.

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The Clay, Platte, Ray Mental Health Board of Trustees
3100 NE 83rd Street, #2700, Kansas City, MO 64119 • (816) 468-1772 •
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