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Improving the availability of inclusive mental health
services for all residents in Clay, Platte and Ray counties.

Free Virtual NAMI Family & Friends Seminar Series

NAMI Family & Friends is a free, 1-1/2-hour seminar that informs people who have loved ones with a mental health condition how to best support them. The seminar is led by trained presenters with lived experience of supporting a family member with a mental health condition.

They will walk you through the following topics: understanding diagnoses, treatment and recovery, effective communication strategies, the importance of self-care, crisis preparation strategies, and NAMI and community resources.  This pre-recorded seminar and resource materials are available at :

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The Clay, Platte, Ray Mental Health Board of Trustees
3100 NE 83rd Street, #2700, Kansas City, MO 64119 • (816) 468-1772 •
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